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Play introduction by Don Wooten - audio podcast - text (PDF)
Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thesmophoriazusae
Read the play online - http://classics.mit.edu/Aristophanes/thesmoph.html

Last performed by the Genesius Guild in 2009 ~ Photos

When Aristophanes wrote Thesmophoriazusae, he picked one of ancient Athens’ most serious and dislocating observances as a vehicle for poking fun at the tragic playwright, Euripides.

The comedy depends on the audience’s intimate knowledge of Euripides’ work. Parts of three different plays are quoted by the characters who spoke them, but in ridiculous attire and mangled phrasing. It’s the kind of comedy which would be incomprehensible to a modern audience. Greek scholars might get a chuckle or two, but that’s it.

In adapting the play for contemporary use, the Genesius Guild substitutes for Euripides’ tragedies, classic radio or television shows, such as “The Lone Ranger” or from old first-grade readers, Dick, Jane, and their dog, Spot.

In true Aristophanic fashion, the guild version also makes fun of local people and events, national news and trends, and - most importantly - its own productions and theatrical traditions.